Vagobond NFT
Morning Briefing
Got a scoop or want to join us? Reach out to me via DMs on Twitter or in the Vagobond Discord.
*Pssstt! In a hurry? the (*) indicates something is new or important.
GM Degens
I dove deeper into the NFT Gamers Beat today. More games, more details.
I’m changing things around a bit – we’ll try this out for a while. Beats will appear in the NFT Morning Briefing on the days noted but will always be available with the latest version on
*I’m looking for Beat Writers! Contact me. This is great exposure and a chance to write about your favorite projects. I’m covering all the beats without a designated writer – and those are all open to be claimed.
News– Updated Daily by Vagobond
New Vagobond Acquisitions – Updated Daily (I’m sick….this must be an illness)
Blue, Red, and White Chip NFTs – Updated Daily by Vagobond
Literary NFT Beat – Updated Mondays by Greg
Gamer NFT Beat – Updated Tuesdays
Music NFT Beat – Updated Wednesdays
Travel & Food NFT Beat – Updated Thursdays
NFT Dao Beat – Updated Fridays
NFT Influencer Beat – Updated in Weekend Edition
Useful Information including NFT Graveyard, Rumors, Airdrops, Mints – updated daily by Vagobond.
~CD Vagobond
This morning’s cover (on Vagobond) is Valerie the Vagobond Vanagon – my new VW Van and NFT project “Places My Vanagon Goes” – see new acquisitions for details.
* ALPHA * – The Vagobond Discord is one of the best free alpha servers around. You might see it in this briefing, but you’ll definitely see it in the Alpha channel of our discord first.
– 888 Inner Circle is Expanding
– Real Estate Being Sold as NFTS
– Bitcoin Headed for $200k in 2022
– Alchemy Tops 10 Billion Dollar Valuation
– Vitalek “Ethereum will likely never be much faster”
– Alfa Romeo Creates EV with Blockchain/NFT Characteristics
– Pixelmon Nets 70 Million Dollars Worth of Ethereum
Vagobond’s New Acquisitions
Where My Vanagon Goes #1 – Home –
I bought this Vanagon yesterday (the actual vehicle) for ~1.16 ETH, I made the NFT in homage to the great photography collection ‘Where My Vans Go’. This is the first of a series that will highlight the beauty of Oahu, Hawaii and my cool old Vanagon which I’ve nicknamed ‘Triple V’
2112 CryptoRunner Root Pass + Standard Console + Standard Land
You can find my NFT buying methodology and more on the NFT 101 page on
Blue, Red, & White Chip NFTs Beat
Updated Daily by Vagobond
These are my personal blue chip plays. Not everyone will agree with my chip designations. That’s fine.
On Chain Monkeys – One of the most positive ‘do good’ projects out there.
-Karma project underway with v2 monkeys
BAYC/MAYC – $APE token. Huge sales. Roadmap underway.
Jenkins the Valet
10KTF – $NTD token. This is a cool and probably Beeple project.
Huxley – The Robots have arrived and they are fire. Big things happening here always.
BYO Pills – BYO Craft Snapshot 2/18 – $TRYP currency and p2e game
– will be claimed rather then airdropped to holders of a BYOPill and a BYOVape.
– you need to have a BYOPill AND BYOVape during the snapshot and during the time of claiming.
– 1 BYOPill + 1 BYOVape = 1 General BYOCraft
– 1 BYOPill + 1 BYOVape + 1 Apostle = 1 Tier-Specific BYOCraft
– 5 different tiers of BYOCraft with unique and generative traits & utility.
– BYOCrafts are 3D, game-ready vehicles with future use in the BYOVERSE, as well as other metaverses and blockchain games. • BYOCrafts will be AR-enabled as we continue to roll out AR experiences for all our collections • Aside from the existing attachments, you will be able to add additional attachments with unique utility either through crafting or via the TRYP Marketplace in the future that will help with other activities throughout the BYOVERSE. • BYOCrafts will allow you to play & earn starting with the racer mini-game, which will then be integrated within the BYOVERSE. Every racer will be rewarded for participating and completing a race with $TRYP/in-game currency. The reward will be based on the Apostle riding the craft and not your position in the race. Details on earnings will be released closer to mini-game launch.
Peace Void/ Peaceful Groupies – $PEACE token, PeaceDAO, partnerships with other projects and festivals (IRL and MV). So much happening in this community right now. Super exciting.
– Groupies can now be staked for $PEACE.
– $PEACE is the currency of the PeaceVoie ecosystem, the digital money to interact with – PEACEFUL GROUPIES: You only need 1 Groupie to be part of the party.
– PEACEVOID: A web3 native brand. It’s art, music, poetry, fashion, lifestyle
– Focus is to take Groupies to festivals all around the world
Pixel Vault/ Punks Comic/ Metahero $PUNKS/$POW
– Origin Story #1: Courtney – 5902 origin stories – PVFD holders snapshot prior to Feb 1 claim on a 1-to-1 basis with how many FD you own. Any that go unclaimed will open up to punks comic #1 and #2 until all are sold out.
– Each planet holder will be eligible for sidekick claim. Sidekicks will be stakable. TBA
– Elite Apes Covers to be released using Metahero/Ape Token in early Feb – unique gamification of mint using a coin that has future utility.
– Physical comic will release by end of February
Red Chips
These are projects I think have the potential to become blue chips.
Non-Fungible Fungus – Fun and trippy.
Rebel Planet Motor Club – I’ve jumped this straight from watchlist to Red Chip. Not positive what is coming yet, but positive you don’t want to miss it.
*- RPMC is planning on sending an NFT holder to Space on a Commercial Flight!
*- Art Reveal coming this week
Creature Toadz – Mashup of Creatures + Cryptoadz . This is one of those projects that might hit or completely miss. It literally could go either way. Project Dev is relentless, so I’m in but DYOR.
– $FYZ claim and staking now live at
Adidas: Into the Metaverse – What’s going to happen here? I guess we wait and see.
Two Bit Bears – There is a level of genius working here that is largely overlooked.
– Info on Goldilocks DAO
White Chips
These are projects I love and support – but tbh, some of them may end up in the graveyard….
Glitchy Bitches – Visually morphing muses. – still minting.
Rue Arcana – Tarot + Attractive art + SciFi vibe
CyberGalz – Sold Out
Do Not Mint – This may be idiotic but it’s feeling like something
Avax Wolf Game – Great team, easy minting and low gas, and always evolving dynamics.
Bloot – Bloot is being redefined. $BGLD is being unrugged.
Bulls on the Block / Bears on the Block – This project, DAO, wallet being moved to the community.
Heaven Computer – Female led, amazing art project. Godmin abides.
One Day Bae – This is a favorite project. It vibes with me just right.
Literary NFT Beat
Updated Mondays by Greg R. Fishbone, Publisher of Cryptoversal Books – Find the latest at
NFT Gamer Beat
Updated Tuesdays – See latest at
2/8/22 by Vagobond
Influence Asteroids – Everything about the game:
I’ve been wanting to dive into this game for a while but my constant degen mode has really kept me from it. Yesterday, I dove it not the document above and it’s amazing. The level of detail and thought put into this game blow my mind.
Currently I own two asteroids and two crew members. The hard part with all these games is finding the time to learn, but I will – eventually.
Doctor Who, Worlds Apart- P2E Game and NFT Marketplace – Founders Token sale continues (part 3 is well under way), tokens $1000 each. Gameplay continues in Beta among founders only – soon open to the public :
– Time Lord Elementary School to learn how to play the game. Week 1 will offer the basics.
Wednesday – 8 pm CET, hosts Bronik and Alan
Friday – 2 pm CET, host Zygon
This is another game that I need to take some time and learn. My MacBook Air just isn’t up to the task of running three hundred discords, five thousand open tabs, and playing games. Everything crashes. I know…I need a new computer to be a gamer.
Non-Fungible Heroes/Boring Banana Co. – Land and token coming soon.
– Beta Game Testing Underway for holders
I played the beta game. It was impressive but still very early.
Nifty League Degens – P2E games, avatars, comics, $NFTL
Nifty smashers is one of the best and most fun games out there. Even though I get smashed constantly. My poor little Nifty Degen is controlled by a poor gamer. Lol.
Avax Wolf Game –
Great team, easy minting and low gas, and always evolving dynamics. I own five sheep, a wolf, and a couple dozen farmers and a couple dozen cows. Cheese and wheat and land coming. Love it.
Danger Islands / Lazer Defi – $xBMF token live and can earn by owning Lazer Soda, Bloot, or BlootMF. One of my favorite projects.
I think this is going to be amazing. Lazer Defi has delivered above and beyond everything they’ve said so far – I don’t expect that to stop anytime soon.
Mighty Manateez – Fun project with comic, video game, $ALGAE token. Saving IRL manatees.
– Game is live!
I admit it. I haven’t played it yet.
One Day Bae –
I know they will deliver. It’s going to be a game like Settlers of Catan but with space and resources. I’m sure it will be fun.
Invaders WTF/ Pixelglyphs – P2E game, ships, DAO, innovative and fun community
Here’s official links:
Star ships
Get planet mint passes:
While I’ve been waiting and pushing this, the developer pushed another project without sharing it in his Discord – and of course it’s worth more than Invaders and Pixelglyphs put together. I’m a little ticked about it, but – he does keep delivering new and exciting things so maybe the success of this Heroes project he launched will aid this one in getting developed.
Watching and Waiting:
Satoshiverse –
CyberGalz –
They’ve got multiple games planned for this NFT project. I’ve got a couple CyberGalz so I’m invested in this one.
2112 –
I bought the cheapest mint set – I’m ready to play. This one seems like it will take some time to learn the lore, but as a former Shadow Run player – I’m into it.
This might be the first AAA game to come out of the NFT space. Watching closely. Heavily invested (for a tuna like me)
Metahero/Pixel Vault
$POW currency is launched, planet DAOs are being formed, game is probably a couple of years off. They might end up launching a smasher earlier – but really hard to know.
BYO Game
It’s going to be an amazing game. There’s no doubt in my mind.
Raini Lords of Light –
Raini Lords of Light – p2e game. Rumor has it that the beta game will launch in a few weeks. Already has great cross chain assets, card staking, and more.The game just never seems to come. I might actually move this to my NFT graveyard if no update with solid information in the next week or so.
Phantom Galaxies –
This is another one that I need to spend some time on.
Freaks n Guilds – Heavy hitters gettin into this one.
Space Game –
Planet Quest –
Okay…that’s it for now. I want to start looking at WAX games again next week. I realized today that when I was playing with WAX nfts it was a lot more fun, no gas, and low cost. Might want to get back into that mode.
Not Watching & Being Salty:
Wolf Game – Seriously, I’m so salty I didn’t invest in this because I thought Beanie was pulling another Bloot/BGLD. I can’t watch this. It hurts.
Axie Infinity – Funny enough, I tried to invest in this early and then I heard a space where Beanie was like “It’s so done, people don’t want to grind” – This was when we all still listened to him and he promptly invested in it not long after that.
Ether Orcs
Gala Games
Generative Dungeons
Everything Else…
Music NFT Beat
Updated Wednesdays – See latest at
Travel & Food NFT Projects
Updated Thursdays – See latest at
The NFT DAO Beat
Updated Fridays – See latest at
Influencer NFT Beat (almost religious)
Updated on Weekends – Latest at
The First NFT/Metaverse Religion- Bald Jesusism
Bald Jesus – BJ is Your Bro
– Minting for Bald Jesus Drinking Club – .05 ETH
– Holy Bjble – AB version – Readable on OS! Only .001 ETH on Polygon so no gas
* –
* –
Tokens, Staking, Defi
Solon – I minted this what seems like 500 years ago. Love the art but the token and the vision are what actually made me mint. Hard to explain in brief – but listen to this:
$WTF – You can still claim here for a few more days:
$LOOKS Token – Looks Rare platform is gaining traction. Daily rewards for staking unmatched.
$TKNFY Tokenify –
Useful Info
I periodically move all the useful info here to: (scroll to the bottom for most recent)
*Minting Your First NFT
Free Mints:
First 500 Wicked Gorillas are Free
Cheap Mints:
Dead MFers .0069 each.NFA. I minted too many of these. Funny and probably worthless.
Airdrops: Rumored Airdrop List – – – DYOR – Reportedly was live, then wasn’t. I’m watching but won’t rush in on this one. – another airdrop for those who have paid gas on Eth. No new news. DYOR.
Top of my radar right now probably Rebels in Disguise and 2112.– Sale Starts: 2/7
Rebels in Disguise – Presale: 2/9 Public Sale: 2/10
Moonlings – Metahero derivitive project by PVFD –
Rap Empire DAO (Snoop Dog) –
Gnomenclature –
Look Labs – (former?) Beanie project – – Probably won’t mint this.
Nemus – – this is an ecology project.
FomoMofo – Hawaii based project with doxxed founders & branding
Great Projects I’m Not In or Following:
aka projects I missed and am salty about. There are too many – see the whole list at:
Missed in February: Generative Dungeons
The Graveyard
These are projects that I wanted to believe in that simply seem like they are dead. I bought into many of these instead of the winning projects above. Take that as a warning. I sincerely hope that they resurrect – but when I put them here, it means that I’ve stopped believing and looking. I hope to someday have a section at the top called ‘Resurrections’ for when projects in the Graveyard manage to rise up again. As time goes on, I have no doubt this will be the biggest section of this newsletter and I will let it keep growing so that those who care to look can understand that the majority of projects fail and investors lose money. Pick wisely, my friends, and good luck!
See the huge full list at
Februray Graveyard Residents Added:
Tiki Festival – I held on to hope as long as I could. Frenchie is still working, but I think this is a graveyard project now.